Teddy ; ladi dadi da~
Friday, August 28, 2009

Name: Priscilla Lim Xin Hui

Index No.:16

Date of submission:28 august

Choice of video:Video 3

1:Suggest the possible option you will do:

a)Decide to do:

-do homework before playing

-plan a time table

-always study a test beforehand

b)Decide not to do:

-lie to parents

-play games too much to the extend of

not doing homework

-cheating in test

2)What factors do you think would affect your


a)Decide not to do:

-The time that had been spent playing

the game

Decide what to do:

-To not lie

-To study or do homework

3)What do you think would be the

consequences of your actions:

a)Did not do:


-Nobody would trust me again

-Disappointment from parents

-Feel guilty

Did do:

-Hard to gain trust from others again

-Will not feel too guilty and ashamed

Golden Rule:Honesty

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What I have learnt about moments....

I have learnt about:
-The definations : moments of a force is the turning of the force about a pivot.
-The formula:F(Force) x D(Perpendicular distance from the pivot) .
- The SI unit of moments: newton metre(Nm).
-The 2 types of moments:Clockwise and Anti-clockwise.
-Some examples of everyday methods of moments, example: opening a door by pulling its handle; turning a nut with a spanner; steering a car by turning its steering wheel.
-The moments of the force depends on:The magnitude of the force, the perpendicular distance form the line of action of the force to the pivot.
-Movement of a foce is also called: Torque.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Name: Priscilla Lim
Group members:
Feng Yue Ting (2)
Mandy Ong (15)
Chew Yee Kiat (23)
Zaneth Leow (35)
[1]story write-up:

One of the Olympic game values is excellence, the paralympians work hard and try their best to be excellent in the sport they are playing. They will not give up although they knew that they will lose in the competition, they still give their all to compete in the race. They are not going to give up as they want to be proud of their country even if they are physically disable and they wanted to prove that they are no difference from any normal human beings. Examples are: Michael Phelps, he did not give up even though he did not win a medal, he stills continue to train himself to swim better then before and finally made a name for himself in he next upcoming swimming competition. This shows that he have the value of excellence.
The next Olympic values are friendship, when the paralympians were racing to be the first, even if they lose they are still making friends with each other. They will not destroy their friendship with each other even if his or her friends wins the race, they will still be friends and they will hope to fight together again and see who will win the next competition.
The other value is respect, they will respect the opponents who they are playing against, he will respect him even though they have to fight with each other in order to win. If they cheat, it will not be a fair game and the person will not respect him but instead despise him. In order to be a fair game, they must not cheat but follow the rules. Then they will be able to gain respect this way.

[2] Past photos:

[3] Recent photos:

I think that paralympians are like a good example to us. It is because although there are not normal like us, they have the courage which not many of us are able to have. They do all their best to strive what they desire and will not give up halfway. It is also because they have the courage to overcome all the odds that stand in their ways. These are qualities that not all normal human beings may be able to have. I think that all paralypians have a strong ability that none of us may be able to attain. I think that if we do our best and not doing anything bad, we may be able to achieve it. I truly respect them because of these qualities they have.

[5] Source:



http://www.mapsofworld.com/olympic-trivia/images/olympic-emblem/athens2004.gif http://www.mapsofworld.com/olympic-trivia/images/olympic-emblem/helsinki1952.gif








Friday, April 3, 2009
CME project(write up)...

One of the Olympic game values is excellence, the paralympians work hard and try their best to be excellent in the sport they are playing. They will not give up although they knew that they will lose in the competition, they still give their all to compete in the race. They are not going to give up as they want to be proud of their country even if they are phisically disable and they wanted to prove that they are no difference from any normal human beings. Examples are: Michael Phelps, he did not give up even though he did not win a medal, he stills continue to train himself to swim better then before and finally made a name for himself inhe next upcoming swimming competition. This shows that he have the value of excellence.
The next olympic values are friendship, when the paralympians were racing to be the first, even if they lose they are still making friends with each other. They will not destroy their friendship with each other even if his or her friends wins the race, they will still be friends and they will hope to fight together again and see who will win the next competition.
The other value is respect, they will respect the opponents who they are playing against, he will respect him even though they have to fight with each other in order to win. If they cheat, it will not be a fair gam and the person will not respect him but instead despise him. In order to be a fair game, they must not cheat but follow the rules. Then they will be able to gain respect this way.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ref - URL : [ http://www.sgyoutholympics.com/wp-content/uploads/image/syoglogo1.jpg ]


Qn:What made the one student feel hurt?
Ans:The picture that was mocking him.
Qn:Is he right to feel hurt or was he making a big deal out of a simple joke?
Ans:Yes, because he was insulted, the picture made him look bad that is why he feels hurt. Others was not involved, so it was like a joke to them.
Qn:What made the teacher so angry?
Ans:Everyone eles was laughing at the one student.
Qn:What did she compare the little act of teasing a boy in class to?Did you understand the comparision?
Ans:Holacaust-German against Jews.A big issue against the race, because the differences are being highlighted.
Qn:What impact does teasing one's differences have?[according to the video and according to you]
Ans:It mentally and emotionally affects the student.It brings up all the differences between the people.It ostracise[leaving a person out] the people.
Qn:Why were the students so angry?
Ans:It was because all the differences are being highlighted and they could relate to it.They all have personal experience about being different.
Qn:This is a real life story of America.Let us compare our lives to theirs-
-Are made up of different races;
-having family members which are stll around;
-happy with our lives.

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